Preparation and training of teachers of the Arabic language to non-native speakers.
Teaching Arabic to non-native speakers needs special preparation to qualify teachers and prepared to do his job to the fullest, so it needs to be recognized by the theories and theoretical knowledge and science to apply them in the positions of his realistic.
- Learn methods of teaching foreign languages.
- Teaching language skills.
- Assess and evaluate the performance of students.
- Prepare lessons effectively.
- Good communication with students in the classroom.
- Providing scientific material exciting and attractive manner.
- Build a linguistic bridge to deal with a foreign student.
- Activation and participation of students in the classroom
- What should begin to teach him and what they should delay it.
- Good deal with different types of students.
- Dealing with the riots of students in the classroom.
- Knowledge of the problems facing the learner Arabic to non-native speakers and how to deal with it.
- Training in teaching Arabic as a second language.
The Program Consists of Two Phases:
The First Phase
First: Presented Theory.
Which is training on two aspects of the teacher (the personal side - linguistic technical side)
And it deals with three elements:
- The Teacher.
- The Student.
- The Approach.
Second: The Practical Section (A).
In this section we are training on how to teach different skills and grammatical notes in the following levels:
- The Primer Level.
- The First Level.
- The Second Level.
- The Third Level.
The Second Phase
First: The Practical Section (B).
In this section we are training on how to teach different skills, grammar and rhetoric at the following levels:
- The Fourth Level.
- The Fifth Level.
- The Sixth Level.
- The Seventh Level.
Second: The Practical Section (C).
In this section we are training on how to teach the Arabic language and the various skills such as grammar, rhetoric and sanitation, poetry and his taste, and analyzed in the following levels:
- The Eighth Level.
- The Ninth Level.
- The Tenth Level.
- The Eleventh Level.
- The Twelveth Level.
- The Thirteenth Level.
- The Fourteenth Level.
After this program is expected to be the teacher is able to:
- To convey what he has information to the student smoothly and quiet.
- That is estimated to take into account individual differences among students.
- To improve dealing with student differs from the nationality of the teacher in his own language and culture.
- To be able to work efficiently and to exercise the skill and professionalism.
- Be proficient in the preparation and the preparation of the Arabic language lessons Pfnah pleased.
- Be able to deal with students in critical situations.
- Have the ability to Calendar and achieve goals.
Distributed as follows:
First Phase: 60 Hours
First: Presented Theory. (36 Hours)
Second: The Practical Section (A). (24 Hours)
Second Phase: 60 Hours
First: The Practical Section (B). (30 Hours)
Second: The Practical Section (C). (30 Hours)
Joining the program requirements (The First Phase)
It requires the trainee to be:
1. Hold a Fajr Center sessions until the fourteenth level.
2. or holds a university degree in the Arabic language.
3. or pass the exam center in the Arabic language.
- Training is done by using the classical Arabic language to familiarize the trainee to speak it in front of his students.
- Training will be provided through public lectures and interactive workshops, mutual discussions, and practical duties outside the training hall.
- Training is done 12 days of training at 5 hours per day.
- Being the trainee during the training course exams (mid and final) through which we can stand to absorb it and its response to the content of the program.
- Evaluation by the practical performance of the trainee before the trainee year and coach of the program.
After passing the trainee gets this program accredited by the Fajr center and the Ministry of Education and the Egyptian Education by passing "preparing Arabic language teachers for non-native speakers Certificate Program", as well as the student can be adopted from the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.