Student Services

All what you need.. and more

Airport Pickup Service

This is one of the most important services that Fajr center offers. We realize the relief of a friendly face waiting to pick you up as you step off the plane in an unfamiliar country whose language, people and customs are foreign to you.

Even if you have been here before, there is nothing like having someone waiting to pick you up after hours of travel. Our aim is to make your stay in Egypt as comfortable as possible, from the start.

How the service handled:

  • 24 hour service.
  • Available from the various air and seaports.
  • Reservations must be made 48 hours prior to arrival date.
  • Reservations must be made by way of email, and payment is due at time of reservation.
  • An email confirmation must be received from the management.
  • In the event of any travel delays or change in itinerary (post-departure) the center must be notified by calling the designated emergency telephone number, after which the student will receive an updated confirmation.
  • Any changes occurring prior to departure must be reported to the center by way of email.
  • If a student has requested housing service, and has arrived before 2 pm, he/she will be transported to the center; arrivals after 2 pm will be transported to a hotel.
  • If housing service has not been requested, the student will be transported to his/her desired or agreed upon location.
  • N.B. Dear all our students, please don't forget to bring a cash money.

Airport Drop-Off Service

This is one of the most important services that Fajr center offers. We realize the relief of a friendly face waiting to drop you off as you see Egypt good bye and head for your home country. Our aim is to make your stay in Egypt as comfortable as possible, from the start to the end.

How the service handled:

  • 24 hours service.
  • Available to the various air and seaports.
  • Reservations must be made 48 hours prior to departure date.
  • Payment is due at time of reservation.
  • In the event of any travel delays or change in itinerary (post-departure) the center must be notified by calling the designated emergency telephone number, after which the student will receive an updated confirmation. Any changes occurring prior to departure must be reported to the center by telephone or showing up (email is an asset).
  • A Fajr Center representative will take the student to the airport 2 hours prior to the student's departure.
  • The service is limited to Drop the student off at the Airport and Does not include carrying the luggage , checking off the tickets or reserving flight tickets.

Accommodation Service

we understand it is important for you to be in a living situation that supports both your study priorities and lifestyle. Finding the right accommodation is closely tied to your study success.

How the service handled:

  • The service is available 24 hours a day.
  • The student may request the service via internet, or in person at any of the branches.
  • The student must pay the services fees in full before rendering of the service ($100.00)
  • The service fees doesn't cover any part of the apartment monthly rent.
  • The $100 down payment goes towards course fees only, and does not count towards the lodging service fees; fees for the lodging service will be obtained from the student upon his arrival in Egypt.
  • Checks, credit cards and money orders are NOT accepted.
  • Upon the student's arrival, Fajr Center will show the student 2 or 3 apartments to choose one.
  • Showing the apartment to the student concludes the service offered by Fajr Center.
  • In case the student requests to view additional apartments other than the ones shown to him by Fajr Center, a payment of $10 is required per each apartment shown.
  • Upon selection of an apartment for living, a rental agreement will be drawn up between the student and the owner (or his representative), in the presence of a representative from Fajr Center.
  • The student will pay a security deposit (usually a month's rent), the purpose of which is to insure the upkeep of the owner's personal property within the apartment; the amount will be returned to the student at the end of the lease period.
  • Both the student and the owner must adhere to the written agreement.
  • At the end of the lease period, the student hands over the apartment to its owner (or his representative), in the presence of a representative of Fajr Center, and the security deposit is returned to the student after confirmation of the acceptable condition of both the apartment as well as the personal property within.
  • Students may hand over apartments from 10 am to 8 pm; students who have reserved departure service must hand over their apartments 4 hours prior to travel.

N.B. Dear all our students, please don't forget to bring a cash money.

Trips & Excursion

In an effort to allow our students to visit Egypt’s touristic attractions, as well as enjoy their time in Egypt. Fajr Center has taken to organizing a number of intriguing excursions and exciting trips all over Egypt.

Our trips include but are not limited to:

  • Hurghada (Red Sea) - 3 nights in a private boat, full board plus beverages.
  • Alexandria (Mediterranean Sea) - Citadel of Kait Bay, Alexandria Library, Roman Theatre.
  • Al-Azhar Park, Museum, and Nile cruise (Cairo).
  • Fayoum (The waterwheels, El Rayan Valley, Lake Karoun).
  • Islamic Architecture (Citadel of Saladin, Mosques of Ibn Tolon, Sultan Hassan & El Refaai.
  • Magic Land Amusement Park (Dolphin show, Media City Studio, Entertainment City).
  • Old Cairo (Khan El Khalili Bazaar, Al-Azhar Mosque, El-Hussein Mosque).

First come first served.

Discount prices available for groups as well as during Summer and Winter Intensive Programs.

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